Environment & Health
Richard Trumka: Fight, Mobilize, Educate Workers
In Massachusetts, a Democratic state legislature voted to take away public workers' right to collectively bargain over health care, in what Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, calls "A …
Losing Sleep Over Bradley Manning
Phone home, Mr. President. Laurence Tribe, the legendary constitutional law professor, is really ticked off with you. That should be some kind of wake up call. Because …
Aetna CEO: I Would Be Turned Down for Health Insurance
Washington - To a greater degree than most insurance company chiefs, Mark Bertolini has encountered his own personal challenges with the health care system. Bertolini, the head …
In This Nuclear World, What Is the Meaning of “Safe”?
In a nuclear crisis, life becomes a nightmare for those people trying to make sense of the uncertainties. Imaginably, the questions are endless. Radiation is invisible, how do you …
A Modern Medical Disconnect
Maggie Kozel's story illustrates the complexities of US health care.
Japan Facing Biggest Catastrophe Since Dawn of Nuclear Age
Japan remains in a state of emergency three days after a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit the country. An estimated 10,000 people have died, and Japan is facing the …
Dean Baker: Budget Cuts Are the Real Job-Killers (Video)
The Collapse of the Old Oil Order: How the Petroleum Age Will End
Whatever the outcome, one thing is guaranteed: the world of oil will be transformed.
“We’re Poisoned. We’re Sick.”
Residents along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico tell of ongoing symptoms attributed to BP's crude oil and dispersants.
The Tragic State of the Gulf of Mexico: Sampling Reveals Oil and Dispersants on Mississippi Coast
Lab tests contradict statements from BP that the Gulf of Mexico is safe from the effects of the BP oil disaster.