Environment & Health

The US v Joe Arpaio: Justice Department Sues Arizona Sheriff for Racial Profiling of Latinos
The Justice Department has sued Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his deputies in Maricopa County for racially profiling Latino residents in the Phoenix area. The DOJcontends that Arpaio and his …

Anatomy of an American Execution
There are few acts graver than when a government takes the life of one of its own citizens. Executions often get a lot of coverage in the US, when …

Growing Cities: An Urban Farming Road Trip
Good food isn’t the only crop that city farmers across the country are growing, according to filmmakers Dan Susman and Andrew Monbouquette. Urban gardens grow stronger, more vibrant communities, …

Marty Kaplan on Big Money’s Effect on Big Media
Big money and big media have coupled to create a ‘Disney World’ of democracy in which TV shows, televised debates, even news coverage is being dumbed down, just as …

Activists Challenge African “Land Grab”
The World Bank and Wall Street firms targeted for African land deals displacing hundreds of thousands.

Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
As ordinary citizens frustrated with the economic crisis are making their presence known across the United States, by joining burgeoning social movements, “Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?” provides …

AP: US Soldiers Promised Massacre, Including Children, Days Before Bales’ Alleged Rampage
In a striking omission to mainstream coverage of the Afghan massacre which took the lives of 17 Afghans including many children, one as young as two, the AP has …

Occupy the DOJ: Activists Protest Injustice of Criminal Justice System

Islamophobic Group Clarion Fund Lends Film Footage for Viral Video Pushing Iran Attack
The Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported yesterday on a series of viral videos produced by a new organization offering justifications for an Israeli attack on Iran. JTA notes the …

Evidence Implicates Top BP Executives
Evidence now implicates top BP executives as well as its partners Chevron and Exxon and the Bush Administration in the deadly cover-up—which included falsifying a report to the Securities …