Environment & Health
Study: Nuclear Reactors Are Toxic to Surrounding Areas, Especially With Age
Health in the communities surrounding the Diablo Canyon power plant declined dramatically after the plant was built.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Environmental Protection Agency Has Some New Standards for Vehicle Emissions, and More
The Environmental Protection Agency has some new standards for vehicle emissions, and they could save some serious cash.
Whistleblower Evan Voke’s Evidence Against TransCanada Whitewashed By Regulators
Are regulators whitewashing TransCanada's performance record by not making incident and inspection reports available to the public or the press?
Viva la #SharingSpring!
As spring begins to bloom, the sharing economy movement is ramping up its activities with a series of events being planned in different cities and world regions.
Denton, Texas Citizens Group Fights for Fracking Ban
The Denton Drilling Awareness Group plans to turn Denton into a frack-free city, making it the first in Texas to ban fracking outright.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Next Report From the IPCC Is Due in March, and More
The next report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is due at the end of March, and according to the Associated Press, we shouldn't expect good news, and …
Are Any Plastics Safe? Industry Tries To Hide Scary New Evidence on BPA-Free Bottles, Containers
A new expose by Mother Jones magazine may shock anyone who drinks out of plastic bottles, gives their children plastic sippy cups, eats out of plastic containers, or stores …
Liberty, Equality, Geography: An Interview with John P. Clark on the Revolutionary Eco-Anarchism of Elisée Reclus
Reclus believed that solutions to ecological crises must involve restoring balance, equality, and a sense of interrelationship between humans and other humans, and between humans and the biosphere.
Who Is Provoking the Unrest in Ukraine? A Debate on Role of Russia, United States in Regional Crisis
Russia is vowing to keep its troops in the Ukrainian region of Crimea in what has become Moscow's biggest confrontation with the West since the Cold War.
Hundreds of Keystone XL Protestors Arrested, Look To Influence Obama’s Final Decision on Pipeline
Hundreds of students demand President Obama reject the Keystone XL pipeline deal, but Obama has already fast tracked the southern half of the pipeline which is currently delivering Canadian …