Environment & Health
BP: Four Years On, No Restoration in Sight
For fisherfolk and coastal residents living in the impact zone of BP's 2010 oil spill, the disaster has never ended.
Who Will Pay for Climate Change Disaster?
A discussion with Patrick Bond on the lack of political will to deal with climate change and the forces mobilizing for action.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Coastal Regions Are Still Dealing With the Effects of the BP Oil Spill, and More
Despite what we've heard from BP, the wildlife, the environment, and the residents of the Gulf are still dealing with the effects of the massive oil spill, and more.
The Modern History of Venezuela and the Need for a Post-Oil Economy
Edgardo Lander says to strengthen democracy, develop food sovereignty and help save the planet, Venezuela must develop a plan to transition away from an extractive economy.
University Sit-In Targets World’s Largest Private Coal Company
Student organizer Caroline Burney and journalist Jeff Biggers join us discuss the more than week long sit-in against Washington University's ties with Peabody Energy, the largest private coal mining …
Killing Nature’s Defenders: Study Finds Global Surge in Murders of Environmental Activists
A new reports finds the killings of environmental and land rights activists worldwide has tripled over the past decade.
Who Goes to Jail? Matt Taibbi on American Injustice Gap From Wall Street to Main Street
Award-winning journalist Matt Taibbi is out with an explosive new book that asks why the vast majority of white-collar criminals have avoided prison since the financial crisis began.
Decriminalization vs. Legalization
As Maryland is poised to become the next state to decriminalize marijuana, MD Delegate Keiffer Jackson Mitchell and LEAP Executive Director Neill Franklin debate whether it can end the …
Momentum on Fossil Fuel Divestment Grows as Harvard Professors, Desmond Tutu Call for Action
Momentum is growing in the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies.
California Senate Committee Approves Fracking Moratorium Bill
The legislation will place a moratorium on fracking and well stimulation until the state fully studies the impact of the oil extraction on California's air and water quality, public …