News | Environment & Health The Trump Administration Is Getting Sued for Failing to Protect Giraffes Animal advocacy and conservation organizations are taking the Trump administration to court. By Alicia Graef , Care2 December 13, 2018 Truthout
Excerpt | Environment & Health How We Stop the World From “Burning Up” Whether we stop runaway carbon emissions is dependent on how deeply we transform society as a whole. By Simon Pirani , PlutoPress December 13, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Trump Guts Protections for 60 Percent of US’s Streams, Wetlands and Waterways Trump is handing over our country to corporate polluters and other industrial interests. By Julia Conley , CommonDreams December 12, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health Typhoon Haiyan Survivor: Fossil Fuel Companies Killed My Family Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest cyclones in recorded history, devastated the Philippines. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 12, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health Trump’s Energy Adviser Runs Away at UN Climate Talks Amy Goodman questioned Wells Griffith about the Trump administration’s climate policies and he refused to answer. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 12, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Under Trump, More People Live Without Health Coverage Ongoing efforts to sabotage Medicaid and deny coverage to immigrant families will increase the uninsured. By Mike Ludwig , Truthout December 11, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Teen Climate Activist Confronts World Leaders at UN Summit Fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg stunned the world last week when she denounced world leaders for climate inaction. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 11, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health World’s Biggest Emitters Must Act Now to Stop Devastating Climate Change A professor in climate change leadership, Kevin Anderson, and youth climate activist Greta Thunberg discuss more. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 11, 2018 Truthout
News Analysis | Environment & Health From Insects to Starfish, We’re Edging Toward Biological Annihilation To save life itself would require a genuine reevaluation of modern life and its institutions. By Subhankar Banerjee , TomDispatch December 11, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Bayou Bridge Charged $450 for Building Oil Pipeline Without Permission During the hearing, the Bayou Bridge lawyers tried to make the plaintiffs out to be greedy out-of-towners. By Julie Dermansky , DeSmogBlog December 11, 2018 Truthout