Op-Ed | Environment & Health An Empire of Bases Poisons Water, Threatening Its Own Collapse The US military’s fire-fighting foam is contaminating groundwater and sickening people in communities around the world. By Pat Elder , WorldBEYONDWar December 15, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Superbugs Plague Afghan Hospitals Afghan citizens are already dying because of the war, but drug resistance will mean even more deaths. By Madlen Davies , Ben Stockton , Aqilla Faizi , TheBureauofInvestigativeJournalism December 15, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health UK Protesters Are Supergluing Themselves to Buildings to Fight Climate Crisis The Extinction Rebellion movement began six months ago in the United Kingdom and has now spread to 35 countries. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 14, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health Hundreds of Activists Stage Sit-In Against Big Polluters on Final Day of COP24 Hundreds gathered at the UN climate summit to demand bolder action from world leaders on climate change. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 14, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Living Near Oil and Gas Wells Linked to Increase in Cardiovascular Disease People who live near oil and gas operations are more likely to have early indicators of cardiovascular disease By Kristina Marusic , EnvironmentalHealthNews December 14, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Climate Scientist Declares: “I’ve Never Been as Worried as I Am Today” Scientist Hans Joachim Schellnhuber warns that extreme weather will wreak havoc across the globe. By Jake Johnson , CommonDreams December 14, 2018 Truthout
News | Environment & Health Left-Wing Disaster Relief Efforts Spread Goodwill for Socialism Where FEMA has failed victims, left-wing groups are offering direct aid and drawing attention to climate change. By Michael Arria , Truthout December 14, 2018 Truthout
Op-Ed | Environment & Health We Must Challenge Capitalist “Solutions” to Climate Change COP24 wants us to drink the same old Kool-Aid in new bottles, but we can and must do better. By Robert James Parsons , Truthout December 13, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health US Seeks to Dilute Pact to Cut Carbon Emissions The UN issued a dire warning Wednesday that nations must act now to save humanity from devastating climate change. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 13, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Environment & Health Costa Rica Is Pursuing Decarbonization Despite Global Inaction Costa Rica plans to go fossil-free beginning next year, becoming the first country to decarbonize its economy. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 13, 2018 Truthout