Environment & Health

New Report Warns Planet May Be Warming Twice as Fast as Expected
We have less than 12 years to reverse climate change, according to a new IPCC report.

Study: Children Near Lead Smelters Are Exposed to Lead in the Womb
The Truth Fairy project provides further evidence that environmental injustice can be transmitted from mother to child.

Record Support for Green Party in EU Elections as Youth-Led Climate Strikes Grow
Luisa Neubauer, a youth climate activist and member of the German Green Party, discusses the party’s next steps.

Scientific Panel Votes to Recognize the Destructive Impact of the “Anthropocene”
The recognition of the new epoch is a step toward recognizing that humankind has drastically altered the planet.

Export of Banned US Pesticides Creates a Deadly Circle of Poison
Pesticides banned in the U.S. are routinely exported to countries that grow food imported by the U.S.

In Palestine and Beyond, Tear Gas Takes Environmental Toll
In an area threatened by chemical attacks, Palestinians are planting gardens and implementing permaculture.

After Years of Abuse, the Earth Has Sent Its Bill Collectors
We have to stop relying on our “Capitalism One” card to defer the true cost of what we exploit and consume.

Retired Oil Rigs Off California Coast Could Find New Lives as Artificial Reefs
Rigs-to-reefs conversions could serve as a model for decommissioning thousands of other offshore platforms worldwide.

What Would It Mean to Deeply Accept That We’re in Planetary Crisis?
The work of these times is not about saving the world but rather about belonging to it more fully.

It’s Too Late for a Green New Deal; Can Other Radical Plans Work?
We no longer have the time or the carbon budget left for a gradual transition to renewables.