Environment & Health

As Drug War Rages, Most People Who Need Treatment Don’t Get It
A focus on drug-supply reduction and aggressive law enforcement is undermining addiction treatment.

Sanders Shines and Biden Crumbles During Epic Town Hall on Climate Crisis
Seven hours was a lot, and not nearly enough, but it's a start.

Trump Promises a “Phenomenal” Health Plan. What Does That Mean?
Likely elements of the plan are already in plain sight -- in executive actions and in the president’s budget proposal.

Leaked IPCC Report Warns of Calamitous Future for Oceans
Earth's oceans, glacial ice sheets and permafrost will unleash disaster unless we take action against climate change.

It’s Not Just the Amazon: We Must Also Protect Congo Basin Peatlands From Fire
Rainforests and peatlands are natural carbon sinks, and managing fires there should be a global priority.

Islands Devastated by Dorian Are on the Front Line of a Dying Planet
Seven deaths have been reported, and as many as 13,000 homes have been destroyed or heavily damaged.

Donald Trump Is a Category 5 Liar
Trump’s convenient ignorance about hurricanes is the behavior of a man seeking to lie his way out of consequences.

Watch Bernie Sanders and Dying Activist Ady Barkan Discuss Medicare for All
Ady Barkan, who is dying of ALS, is interviewing presidential candidates to highlight the impacts of U.S. health policy.

Millionaire CEO Is Bankrolling Think Tank Pushing Climate Denial
The John Locke Foundation, whose primary funder is retail millionaire Art Pope, has called climate change a “hoax.”

At Least 5 Dead in Bahamas as Hurricane Dorian Devastates the Islands
Hurricane Dorian's devastation shows that the climate emergency is not a crisis of the distant future.