Education & Youth
After Massive Gift to Rich, Trump Demands $7 Billion Cut to Child Health Insurance
This proposal is a shameful betrayal of children.
Student-Led Rally Denounces NRA’s “Dangerous Agenda” With Protests Outside Convention
‘'A prime example of how the young people are going to change the world.'’
Right-Wing Federalist Society Shaped Hiring and Admissions at George Mason University, Emails Show
How secret donors shape the hiring, admissions and academic planning at George Mason University.
Arizona Joins Red State Revolt: Teachers’ Strike Reaches Day Five
Schools are closed for a fifth day in Arizona.
Meet the Music Teacher Who Helped Organize the Arizona Teacher Strike
Real change would benefit students and other employees, too.
Arizona Educators Stage First Statewide Walkout as Teacher Revolt Grows
Today's walkout is Arizona's first statewide teachers' strike.
Texas Charter School Asked Students to List “Positive Aspects” of Slavery
The assignment is part of a larger problem in the United States.
How Black Students Helped Lead the 1968 Columbia Strike Against Militarism and Racism 50 Years Ago
Fifty years ago today hundreds of students at Columbia University in New York started a revolt on campus.
The “Superpredator” Myth Was Discredited, but It Continues to Ruin Young Black Lives
Nearly 200,000 youths enter the adult criminal justice system every year.
Native Language Schools Are Taking Back Education
For more than 150 years, the Wôpanâak language was silent. But a recently established language school on the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe's reservation in Massachusetts is working to bring back …