Education & Youth
More Solutions Needed for Campus Hunger
A new federal report lays out the scope of the problem but falls short when it comes to solutions.
How Activists Are Moving the Dial on Student Loan Debt
With student debt at over $1.4 trillion, grassroots organizations want sweeping change on a national level.
US Corporations Are Micromanaging Curricula to Miseducate Students
Corporate curricula have an agenda: promoting capitalism at the expense of open inquiry.
Kids in the Classroom Can Help Single Moms Rise From Poverty
Educators across the US are adopting a policy to allow children in classes, and allowing more parents to stay in school.
Normalization of Racist “Academia” Threatens Students of Color
Satoshi Kanazawa's “scholarship” has created a hostile environment on campus for women and people of color.
DeVos’s Response to School Shootings? Make School More Like Prison
Trump and DeVos are using gun violence to justify rolling back civil rights and militarizing public schools.
Can the Nation’s First Charter School Strike Transform the Industry?
Illinois state reps, in solidarity with Acero charter network strikers, announced bills to reform the charter industry.
When Schools Use Child Protective Services as a Weapon Against Parents
Schools are legally obligated to report suspicion of child abuse and neglect, but sometimes that authority is misused.
Betsy DeVos Uses Our Taxes for Koch Brothers’ Agenda
Betsy DeVos selects education programs in order to feed her propaganda campaign for market-based education “reform.”
Why Don’t Detroit Public Schools Have Safe Drinking Water?
Why on earth is there no nationwide requirement for water testing in schools?