Education & Youth
Petitioners Seek to End Nebraska Education Board Over LGBTQ-Inclusive Curricula
If the anti-LGBTQ petitioners gather 125,000 signatures by summer, the petition will be on the November 2022 ballot.
Dark Money Is Driving Today’s “Concerned Moms” Attacking Anti-Racism in Schools
Right-wing women’s groups are raking in donations from organizations spawned by Charles Koch and other billionaires.
Librarians Resist Bans on Children’s Books with Black, LGBTQ+ Authors
Librarians are defending their book collections, shaping policy and even resigning in protest.
Ed Dept. Opens Inquiry on District That Wanted “Opposing” Lessons on Holocaust
Several parents praised the announcement of the investigation into Carroll Independent Schools in Southlake, Texas.
Higher Education Is Exploiting International Students for Cheap Teaching Labor
Academic labor should be compensated no matter who is doing the teaching.
Report Details How Bans on Teaching About Racism Are Chilling Free Speech
The report from PEN America is based on an investigation of 54 separate bills from 24 state legislatures across the U.S.
Koch Funding for Campuses Comes With Dangerous Strings Attached
The funding is a blatant effort to steer curricula and hiring to funnel students into careers with conservative groups.
Students Are Pushing US Colleges to Sever Ties With Military-Industrial Complex
Students and young people are witnesses to the ways in which U.S. education is deeply complicit with war and militarism.
Biden Administration Caught in Lie Over Student Debt Forgiveness Memo
The administration has hidden the memo for months, despite calls from activists and lawmakers for it to be released.
Efforts to Ban Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” Are at Center of Virginia Governor Race
GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin released a political ad featuring a white mother who advocated banning the book in schools.