Education & Youth
Youth and the Myth of a Post-Racial Society Under Barack Obama
While “post-racial” may mean less overt racism, the idea that we have moved into a post-racial period in American history is an act of willful denial and ignorance.
Disney, Casino Capitalism and the Exploitation of Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence
The potential for lucrative profits to be made off the spending habits and economic influence of kids has certainly not been lost on Disney.
Commodifying Kids: The Forgotten Crisis
The current crisis offers an opportunity to question the ways in which children's culture has been corrupted by rampant commercialization, commodification and consumption.
Locked Out and Locked Up: Youth Missing in Action From Obama’s Stimulus Plan
Young people in the US face a fragile quality of life.
Beyond Bailouts: On the Politics of Education After Neoliberalism
How is it possible to imagine a more equitable transformation in government and economics without a simultaneous transformation in culture, consciousness, social identities and values?
Obama’s Betrayal of Public Education? Arne Duncan and the Corporate Model of Schooling
Unless Duncan is willing to reinvent himself, the national agenda he will develop for education will leave a lot more kids behind than it helps.
Henry Giroux: Rethinking the Promise of Critical Education
Academic Chronis Polychroniou interviews Henry Giroux, a professor in English and Cultural Studies at McMaster University.
Disposable Youth in a Suspect Society
The “war on youth” not only attempts to erase the democratic legacies of the past, but disavows any commitment to the future.
Against the Militarized Academy
While there is an ongoing discussion about what shape the military-industrial complex will take under an Obama presidency, what is often left out of this analysis is the intrusion …
Obama and the Promise of Education
The Obama administration will fail badly if it does not connect the current financial and credit crisis to the crisis of democracy and its poisonous undoing by commanding market …