Economy & Labor

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Emerging Trends Show “Citizens United” Ruling to Be Disastrous, and More
In the five years since the “Citizens United” decision was made, some alarming trends have emerged.

Reform Is Not Enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide
Elites' reformist strategies to address global inequality seek to avoid a social transformation away from capitalism.

Filipina Trafficking Survivors Launch a Co-op – and They Own Their Jobs
Judith Daluz started a cleaning business with other Filipinas - where she's her own boss.

Economic Update: Economics and Real Issues
This episode provides updates on bikes displacing cars in Europe, and more.

Race, Gender and Work: Lola Smallwood-Cuevas and Domestic Workers United
Lola Smallwood-Cuevas talks about her work with the Black Workers Center.

US Air Force Whistleblower on the Ugly Truth Behind US Drone Killings
The Young Turks speak with former US Air Force drone operator Brandon Bryant.

US Presidential Contest Reflects the Growing Polarization of Society
The candidates also personify the sharpening of a trend whereby capitalist democracy is becoming less and less democratic.

Why Philanthropy Actually Hurts Rather Than Helps Some of the World’s Worst Problems
“Philanthrocapitalists” can't resolve the problems created by capitalism.

Transnational Companies Sue Developing States
Western Europe is becoming a big hub in the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism of the TTIP.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Chemical Industry Is Hiding the Truth About Everyday Toxins, and More
Congress agreed to $680 billion in new tax breaks.