Economy & Labor

Pennsylvania Community Defeats Nestlé’s Attempt to Privatize Its Water
Citing local opposition, Nestle has abandoned its plans to extract millions of gallons of water from a Pennsylvania aquifer.

Platform Cooperativism: What Is It?
Yochai Benkler, author of “The Wealth of Networks,” says socially produced value could be used for the common good.

“Nothing for Other People”: Class War in the United States
Demands for independence continue to burrow not far from the surface, ready to reappear when awakened by circumstances and militant activism.

Hundreds Accuse Trump of Failing to Pay for Their Work
Former employees and contractors have accused Donald Trump and his businesses of failing to pay them for their work.

In Paul Ryan’s District, a Community Struggles
The Speaker's plan demonstrates this: his enduring disconnect from the people struggling in his own district and across the United States.

San Juan Mayor Condemns Bill to Create “Colonial Control Board” in Puerto Rico
The Senate is set to consider a bill to create a federally appointed control board with sweeping powers to run Puerto Rico's economy.

Secret Money Escalates in Southern Politics, Fueled by Koch Brothers
650 nonprofits were created in the South since the Citizens United ruling, and a number of these are tied to conservative mega-donors.

Why a Leave Vote May Not Result in a Brexit
The officialdom in England and in much of the rest of the advanced world is suddenly in alarm over the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union.

For Struggling Renters in New Orleans, Hope May Be Coming a Bit Late
Rents in cities and even in urban areas of less than 1 million have soared, exacerbating income inequality and disproportionately affecting racial minorities.

The Lie That “China Wins” if the TPP Kangaroo Tribunals Are Stopped
The TPP is all about Article 9, which allows CEOs to rig the system so that they win.