Economy & Labor

Swimming Against the Loan Sharks
A proposal to crack down on predatory lending has sparked a showdown between the payday industry and activists fighting to end the debt trap.

We Don’t Need Trump or Brexit to Reject the Credo of Neoliberal Market Inevitability
Revolt against the inevitability of globalized capitalism takes diverse and often desperate forms when “there is no alternative.”

As Workers at Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino Go on Strike, a Look at Trump’s Long History of Labor Abuse
“Trump's pathway to success is littered with bodies.”

Bill Gates to Fund Huge XPrize to End Austerity in Europe
Austerity is unnecessary because evidence indicates that European governments could easily increase spending without hitting any constraints.

The Millennial Generation Is a Perfect Fit for Socialism
Capitalism has only itself to blame, forcing millennials to look for an alternative.

Report: Average Workplace Safety Fine Less Than Cost of Funeral for Dead Worker
A report released on Thursday asserts that US workers face increased risks on the job.

Charles Koch’s Plot to Hijack US Universities and Spread His Radical “Free-Market” Propaganda
With his grants, Koch is installing libertarian-minded economics professors at hundreds of universities.

Economic Update: What Brexit Means
This episode discusses street battles in France, and more.

Paul Ryan’s Economic Plan: An Analysis
The truth is that regardless of his choice of words, what Ryan stands for is as disastrously radical as the positions of Trump and the rest of the right-wing …

How the EU Pushed France to Reform Labor Law
The attacks on social rights stem in no small part from the web of EU-rules dubbed ‘economic governance’.