Economy & Labor Economic Update: We Can Do Better Than Capitalism This week's episode includes updates on the mistreatment of homeless people, and more. By Richard D. Wolff , Truthout December 30, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor A Ph.D. in Organizing Graduate students at private universities are organizing to join the ranks of the unionized. By Jeff Schuhrke & Dawn Tefft , LaborNotes December 29, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Six Flags Great America Not So Great for Foreign Work-Visa Students For many foreign students, the experience at Six Flags Great America feels more like exploitation. By Enrica Nicoli-Aldini & Rebekah Frumkin , InTheseTimes December 28, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor Seven Things the Defund DAPL Campaign Has Achieved So Far Public and consumer pressure on banks to quit financing the Dakota Access pipeline companies is producing results. By Ari Paul , YES!Magazine December 28, 2016 Truthout
Interview | Economy & Labor George W. Bush’s Ethics Lawyer: Trump Will Be in Violation of Constitution on Day One Could Donald Trump be in violation of the Constitution on his first day in office? By Juan González & Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! December 28, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor The Scandal of Vast Inequality in Retirement Pay Although changes in public policy could close the widening pension gap, such changes are unlikely to come from the GOP. By Lawrence S Wittner , LAProgressive December 26, 2016 Truthout
Op-Ed | Economy & Labor As President, Will Donald Trump and His Cabinet Trade Inside Information? Has Donald Trump given the public any reason to believe that he will resist the temptation to profit from his position as president? By Dean Baker , Truthout December 26, 2016 Truthout
News | Economy & Labor California Hotel Workers Defeat Boss Tactics to Win Union A week after Trump's win, hotel workers at Le Merigot Hotel voted 27 to 15 to unionize with UNITE HERE Local 11. By Samantha Winslow , LaborNotes December 25, 2016 Truthout
Interview | Economy & Labor A World in Shambles: An Interview With C.J. Polychroniou In place of the common good we have created atomized, segmented societies that promote a dog-eat-dog culture. By Alexandra Boutri & Marcus Rolle , Truthout December 25, 2016 Truthout
News Analysis | Economy & Labor The Great Unwinding of Public Education: Detroit and DeVos Efforts to hold Michigan charter schools accountable have failed, thanks to lobbying from Betsy DeVos's family. By Joseph Natoli , Truthout December 23, 2016 Truthout