Search Results for “Pollin”

Ontario Next Right-to-Work Target?
The $15 billion budget deficit in Ontario is the pretext that the right will use to push for right-to-work laws. The battle is just shaping up.

American Dynasties Perpetuated by “Cliff” Estate Tax Deal
James S. Henry: Obama's deal with GOP on estate tax ensures very rich families will continue to amass historic levels of wealth and power.

Senate Reformers Push for “Talking Filibuster” to Mark First Day of New Congress, but Vote May Be Delayed
Lawmakers are unlikely to tackle filibuster rules on first day of new Congress.

Robert Pollin: Economic Outlook for 2013
Bob Pollin: With austerity policies in Europe and the USA and slow down in China and India, 2013 needs innovative policies or more recession is likely.

The New America Is Not About Identity Politics
Nonwhite minorities are indeed becoming the new American majority, but more significantly, majorities of all races will increasingly depend on government protection and public investment.

In Montana, Dark Money Helped Democrats Hold a Key Senate Seat
Such spending played a greater role in the Montana Senate race than almost any other.

Anti-Fracking Activist Discusses the Connection Between Human Rights and the Environment
Activist Sandra Steingraber: We canu2019t change the scale of the problem, so that means you have to change the scale of your actions.

Ask a Democrat: On Social Security, Which Side Are You On?
When it comes to the social security debates, it is time to ask our political leaders if they are for or against the best interests of the American people.

The Fed Targets Unemployment With More Money for Banks
Robert Pollin: The Fed breaks ground with unemployment target but pushing more money into banks without requiring more lending won't solve the problem.

There Is No American Left
Babones argues American politics has swung violently to the right.