Search Results for “"dark money"”
Worried Sick About Vermont
Vermonters (and most Americans) tend to trust natural foods more than genetically engineered foods.
Shareholders and Activists Call on Google to Increase Political Spending Transparency, Lead on Climate Change Action, and Treat Its Workers Respectfully
Shareholders and activists from around the country and region are rallying today at Google's shareholder meeting, calling on the tech giant to stay true to its stated commitments to …
Liberal Outside Money Groups Spend Big in North Carolina
Most people have come to associate outside money with conservatives, but North Carolina elections are bucking the trend.
High-Dollar 2014 Primary Elections
It is early in the 2014 election cycle, but already we are seeing spending patterns that shed light on whether some of the many speculations about this year's political …
Dark Money Group Sues IRS Over Targeting, Disclosure
A conservative nonprofit that recently sued the Internal Revenue Service is one of the “dark money” groups pouring anonymous funds into elections since the Citizens United ruling.
Five Videos Worth Watching From the Senate Dark Money Hearing
In a recent hearing on dark money, some very smart people shared their thoughts about big money's corrupting influence on our democracy, and what might be done to limit …
What Happens When a Dark Money Group Blows Off IRS Rules? Nothing
The Government Integrity Fund spent most of its money on election ads, despite IRS rules prohibiting a social welfare nonprofit from doing so.
Scott Walker Asks Wisconsin Supreme Court to Review John Doe Dark Money Probe
But some members of the court have a potential conflict of interest in the case.
What Newly Released Docs Tell Us About the IRS and How It Handles Dark Money Groups
In a party-line vote, a GOP-led House committee will seek criminal charges against an IRS official accused of unfairly targeting the applications of conservative groups and misleading the Treasury …
What Corruption? McCutcheon Reveals Absurdity of Citizens United
The McCutcheon decision appears to acknowledge that big donations to independent Super PACs can be useful to candidates — and arguably, pose a risk of corruption.