Search Results for “"dark money"”
Unregulated, Outside Spending by Koch-Related Group Plagues Local Elections, Public Citizen Report Finds
Unregulated, undisclosed spending made possible by the US Supreme Courtu2019s 2010 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has left local communities defenseless against big money national organizations …
Why Koch-Funded “Generation Opportunity” Is a Big Zero for America’s Youth
Some of GenOpp's positions and statements may seem genuine, even logical, though a closer look reveals them to be desperately familiar to a more adult-like right wing playbook.
Will the First Hotel Housekeeper on a City Council Shame Rhode Island Democrats Into Allowing a Just Wage?
The first housekeeper elected to the city council in Providence, Rhode Island may be the voice needed to push local officials to raise the minimum wage of hotel workers.
The Dark Money Machine That Beat Eric Cantor
The media is making it seem like David Brat was some sort of underdog, but in reality, he's strapped to the hilt with billionaire support and billionaire money.
Dark Money, Dirty War: The Corporate Crusade Against Low-Wage Workers
Attacks on worker organizing are taking place against a backdrop of an economy in crisis.
Who Is Behind the National Right to Work Committee and Its Anti-Union Crusade?
A major case left for a Supreme Court decision is Harris v. Quinn, which could effect millions of public sector workers in the United States.
Anonymous Shell Companies Are Part of the Problem, Too: Often Used to Inject Dark Money Into Campaigns
The Judiciary Committee is holding hearings in the wake of two recent Supreme Court decisions, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission and Citizens United, both of which have unleashed a …
IRS Delays New Rules for Dark Money Groups
The agency has pushed back indefinitely a hearing on new regulations for social welfare nonprofits that spend money on politics.
California Bans “Dark Money” in Elections After Undisclosed Koch Brothers Spending in 2012
Sacramento Bee does a lousy job of helping voters understand why that matters.
Top Six Facts in the Walker Dark Money Criminal Probe
In the wake of a federal court's recent ruling halting a state criminal investigation into spending during the 2011 and 2012 recall elections for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and …