Search Results for “"dark money"”
Koch-Backed Small Business Group Endorses Walker
The National Federation of Independent Business has endorsed Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker for reelection. Though it purports to represent small business, it receives funding from foundations belong to the …
Climate in Our Hands
The destruction and exploitation that human hands have inflicted on our planet are undeniable - and there's no question that our species' actions have thrown our own future survival …
Chamber of Commerce Should Apologize for Attack on Wife of Walker Prosecutor
The Chamber apparently thinks that “foul is fair,” but that is not the way we have done it in Wisconsin.
Senate Vote on Amendment: A Historic Leap Forward for Democracy
Today's historic vote will be remembered as an important moment in the democracy movementu2019s successful effort to win a constitutional amendment to rescue our elections.
Seven Ridiculous Arguments Ted Cruz Made Against the Democracy for All Amendment
Senator Ted Cruz said some very bizarre things on Tuesday as he and his colleagues debated the Democracy for All amendment, which would overturn the Supreme Court's disastrous Citizens …
James O’Keefe Cronies Unveiled in Attempted Sting on CMD
O'Keefe's long-time ally Ryan Sorba turned up at a conference, asking CMD's executive director for political advice in an effort to get her to discuss strategy on tape.
Dark Money Corruption of Democracy Forces Climate Change Direct Action and Mass Mobilization
Seventeen critical years after the Kyoto Protocol signing, climate activists have come to realize that when our governments are bought and sold, policy shifts must begin in the streets.
Historic US Senate Vote; Democracy for All Amendment Is Common Sense
The promise of American democracy is colliding with the unpleasant reality of an emerging American plutocracy.
New Documents Undermine Walker Statements on Criminal Probe
Despite claims that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is not a “target” in the state's criminal campaign finance probe, newly-released documents demonstrate that prosecutors are indeed looking at his potentially …
Seven Disturbing Quotes From the Koch Summit Speeches
“All Citizens United did was to level the playing field for corporate speechu2026. We now have, I think, the most free and open system weu2019ve had in modern times.” …