Mike Lofgren | Gates Agonistes
The political psyops effort by Robert Gates disguised as a tell-all, “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense at War,” proves that spies are inherently suspect people who must …
Drones Speak for America in Yemen
While the Obama administration promises to investigate drone strikes, civilians in Yemen are dying and al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is garnering new recruits.
AIPAC Still Trying to Torpedo Iran Nuke Deal
As preliminary Iran Nuke deal is finalized and set to go into effect next Monday, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee is pushing for Congress to pass new sanctions …
Lobbying for Iran War, AIPAC’s Napkin Is Half-Empty
Robert Naiman: Blowing up President Obama's diplomacy with Iran would be the foreign policy equivalent of repealing ObamaCare.
America’s Black-Ops Blackout: Unraveling the Secrets of the Military’s Secret Military
Despite the lack of official cooperation, an analysis reveals the US Special Operations Command to be a command on the make with an already sprawling reach.
US Rushes Weapons to Iraq Amidst Bloody Sectarian Conflict Set Off by 2003 Invasion
A series of attacks in Iraq over Christmas left at least 42 people dead and dozens more wounded.
Ninety-Nine Years Ago: A Pause in the War on Christmas
Frank Richards remembers how Officers of both sides of a war came to an understanding that the unofficial truce during trench warfare on Christmas.
Iran Sanctions Bill Big Test of Israel Lobby Power
This week's introduction by a bipartisan group of 26 senators of a new sanctions bill against Iran could result in the biggest test of the political clout of the …
US Officials Will No Longer Provide Information on Guantanamo Hunger Strikers
A spokesman for the US military announced this week that the authorities will no longer provide public information on how many prisoners at the American gulag at Guantanamo Bay …
Economics by Other Means: War, Poverty and Conflict Minerals in Africa
With support from Moscow, Washington, and the former imperial capitals no longer assured, armed groups in Africa now compete for riches in diamond mines, gold pits, oil wells, and …