
Why Do Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Todd Young Want to Continue Starving Yemeni Children?
Saudi oil money has strong allies in Congress.

In the US’s “Phony Wars,” the Military-Industrial Complex Is the Only Winner
The price tag for US wars may in the end prove not just heavy but catastrophic.

What It Will Take to Achieve a Nuclear-Free Korean Peninsula
Relations between the two Koreas are improving despite Trump.

Dahr Jamail | Washington State’s Deep Political and Economic Alliance With the Pentagon
“Blue state” politicos have deep military ties.

US Refusal to Negotiate With Russia Increases Likelihood of Nuclear War
The US's stance has put our planet's future in peril.

A Step Toward Peace? South Korea Announces Trump Will Meet With North Korea’s Kim Jong-un
The White House says President Trump has accepted an invitation to meet directly with North Korea's leader.

As US Military Flies Overhead, Okinawa Residents Live Under a Cloud of Fear
The bases in Okinawa expose residents to constant harm.

God Wills It! The War on Terror as the Launching of an American Crusade
If you think the malevolence of this period began with Trump, think again.

Sen. Chris Murphy: The US Is Exporting Violence and Killing Civilians in Illegal War in Yemen
A new bill would force Congress to vote on whether to continue US support for the Saudi-led coalition's war in Yemen.

The False Case Against “Foreign-Born Terrorists”
The Trump administration is promoting xenophobia and islamophobia.