
Arizona Opens New $50 Million Supermax Prison; New Report Denounces State’s Use of Solitary Confinement
In written testimony, an individual describes the conditions of confinement as “horrendous.”

Eight Ways to Support Protests Against the Criminal Punishment System, if You Can’t Get Out on the Street
Organizing is a longer-term commitment that isn't always visible, glamorous or fun.

Dan Berger Illustrates Centrality of Prison to Civil Rights Struggle
Author Dan Berger shows how prison and carceral violence fit into structural US racism and the Civil Rights movements of the 1960s in ‘Captive Nation.’

Convicted With No Evidence by an All-White Jury, Black Community Leader Rev. Edward Pinkney Faces Life in Prison
Rev. Edward Pinkney faces life in prison on charges many claim are trumped up.

Faith, Inc. and Criminal Justice Reform
Do faith-based programs work better than programs sponsored by the government or secular community-based organizations?

Prop 47, Immigration Reform and More: The Contradictory Road of “Reforming” Mass Incarceration
Mass incarceration has landed on the political agenda at both the national and local levels.

Why Texas Is Shutting Prison Doors
Something remarkable is happening in the Texan criminal justice system: Texan authorities are closing prisons.

Why Is California Keeping Kelly Savage in Prison for a Crime She Didn’t Commit?
Expert testimony about domestic violence was not included during her trial.

Longest-Serving US Prisoner in Solitary Ordered Free Again, but State Obstruction Bars His Release
A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court ruling ordering Louisiana to release Albert Woodfox.

Scholarship, Mentor Program Helps Children of Incarcerated Parents Go to College
Financial assistance is just one of the benefits grantees get from ScholarCHIPS.