Human Rights
FBI on Wrong Side of History
Sam Sacks speaks with Truthout's Lead Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold about the FBI's approach to the Occupy movement.
Chris Hedges | The Final Battle
The corporate state knows that the steady deterioration of the economy and the increasingly savage effects of climate change will create widespread social instability.
NY Times Suggests It’s Pointless to Report Rape in Haiti, Ignoring Serious Efforts to Protect Women
This year was an extraordinary year for the gender-based violence world in Haiti, though there is still much work to be done
Were US Marines Used as Guinea Pigs on Okinawa?
Growing evidence suggests that the US military tested biochemical agents on its own forces on the island in the 1960s.
Report: Serious Allegations of Abuse by FBI and Other Agencies in World Cup Bombing Investigation
Mystery man with ponytail identified by several detainees.
Why Not Warmth in Afghan Duvets?
Once the duvets were stacked in two pilesu2014one pile inside the house as well one that had been stacked outside—a coordinator began reading from the list of families who …
Film Shows Objectivity Elusive in Israel-Palestine Storytelling
A new documentary about the history of Israeli military legal policy in the Palestinian territories reflects on the very nature of professional storytelling itself.
The Tragic Death of Adnan Latif: What is the Military Trying to Hide
In the story of the recent death of Adnan Latif, the young Yemeni at Guantanamo whose death was declared a suicide, details are not adding up.
Migrants Go on Hunger Strike in Polish Detention Centers
The hunger strike is forcing the country to face its new responsibilities as a migration hub within the European Union.
Senate Intelligence Committee Takes Up “the Pentagon Papers of the CIA Torture Program” Behind Closed Doors: Report Remains Under Wraps
A lawyer for the most high-profile resident of Gitmo sheds light on what the report may contain.