
How Change Happens: A Threefold Strategy
This is part of a series of blogs based on excerpts adapted from the 2nd edition of Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth. I …

The Bizarro FDR
Barack Obama is a lot of things — eloquent, dissembling, conniving, intelligent and above all, calm. But one thing he is not is weak. This basic truth …

The Republican’s Double-Dip Recession, and What Must Be Done
John Boehner said Tuesday the Republicans got “90 percent of what we wanted” from the budget deal. So presumably he and his colleagues are willing to take responsibility for …

Shared Sacrifice

Big Business Woos ALEC Legislators in the Big Easy
Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. (Photo: jezzfoodieme) On August 3, the American Legislative Exchange Council kicks off its annual meeting in the Big Easy. State legislators from …

Stocks Tumble as Signs Point to Weak Global Economy
What began as a weak day in the stock markets ended in the worst rout in more than two years, as investors dumped stocks amid anxiety that both Europe …

The Koch Spider Web
Virginia Democratic Congressman Rick Boucher was defeated last fall by Republican Morgan Griffith with the help of campaign ads paid for by Americans for Prosperity, a group with strong …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Minnesota GOP Legislation Written by ALEC, Funded by Koch Brothers and Wal-Mart, and More
TRANSCRIPT Thom Hartmann here – on the news… You need to know this. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is demanding Congress comes back from its vacation – and pass a …

War and the Tragedy of the Commons
In this seven-part series of articles on each environmental impact of US militarism, scientist and author Patricia Hynes provides an overview of modern, military pollution and the use of …
