
Scams and Frauds (Plus George W. Bush and Michelle Rhee) at Upcoming Subprime College Conference in Vegas
Republic Report previously reported that former President George W. Bush will be speaking at the annual meeting of APSCU, the leading association of for-profit colleges, on June 22 at the Mandalay Bay …

A “Simple Fix” for School Curriculum (and It’s Not Common Core)
For more than 20 years, in language as strong as the editors of mainstream media will allow, I’ve been slamming the stupidities of the education “reforms” dreamed up by …

Undergrads May Fail Critical-Thinking Test, but Academia Is Failing Them
The two professors sat in front of me, making conversation before the talk. The speaker's title slide already projected on the wall ahead: "What (if anything) are undergraduates learning …

Conservative Group Club for Growth to Congress: Let Student Loan Rates Double
The House will vote today on a bill to prevent the interest rate on government-backed student loans from doubling. Both Republicans and Democrats support the extension on the lower …

The GOP’s Death Wish: Why Republicans Can’t Stop Pissing Off Hispanics, Women, and Young People
What are the three demographic groups whose electoral impact is growing fastest? Hispanics, women, and young people. Who are Republicans pissing off the most? Latinos, women, and young people. …

Understanding Student Debt
Yesterday, the level of American student debt passed the trillion dollar mark. There was little mention of the milestone in the mainstream media, but the Occupy Student Debt Campaign …

Washington Post’s Kaplan and Other For-Profit Colleges Joined ALEC
Republic Report has learned that the Washington Post Company’s Kaplan for-profit college division, was, last year, a member of the controversial business advocacy group the American Legislative Exchange Council. …

Political Push Continues on Student Loan Interest Rates
From a Stop the Machine protest in Washington, DC, October 6, 2011. (Photo: thisisbossi) Washington - Hoping for a federal student loan to help pay for college? Beware, because …

The Present and Future of the University: An Interview With David Theo Goldberg
In a wide-ranging conversation at McMaster University on March 15, 2012, Grace Pollock, the director of the Public Intellectuals Project, interviewed the internationally renowned race theorist David Theo Goldberg …

The Bully Politics of Education Reform
America is a bully nation. America is the embodiment of might-makes-right. When another country (USSR) invades Afghanistan, America is filled with righteous indignation, but when America invades Afghanistan, well, …