
Increasingly Dangerous Guns Endanger US Communities
In “The Last Gun” Tom Diaz pitches ideas to halt the NRA's campaign of fear that's pumped up weapons sales.

Russian Roulette: Taxpayers Could Be on the Hook for Trillions in Oil Derivatives
The sudden dramatic collapse in the price of oil appears to be an act of geopolitical warfare against Russia.

Economic Update: Signs of Deepening Inequality
This week's episode provides updates on the successful Oregon teaching assistants' strike, evicting the homeless and more.

Raising Rates Too Early Could Be Disastrous
The Federal Reserve definitely seems to be gearing up for monetary tightening.

Cromnibus Pension Provisions Gut 40 Years of Policy, Allow Existing Pensions to Be Slashed
Even if you're retired and vested in a private pension plan, your benefits could be cut under the Kline-Miller amendment.

The Trade Agreement Pinatas
Many labor, environmental and consumer groups have stepped up their criticisms of the Obama administration's plans for pushing fast-track trade negotiating authority.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Poverty and Inequality Are Getting Worse in the US, and More
In today's On the News segment: Poverty and inequality are getting worse in our country, and more.

Why There’s No Ebola Vaccine
“If you fit into the right market demographic and can afford to pay, you get the goods. If not, tough luck.”

Economic Update: Capitalism’s Christmas Presents
This week's episode provides updates on the economics of the oil price collapse, the resumption of US-Cuba relations, and more.

Quiet Distress Among the (Ex) Rich
The fact that economic distress has moved pretty high up the food chain is a sign that this recovery isn't all that it is cracked up to be.