
Debunking the Magnitude of Markets: A Holiday Story
If one applied market principles to a holiday meal, a guest might suggest charging the host to help clear the table after dinner.

Capitalism – Not China – Is to Blame for the Current Global Economic Decline
The cause of global economic decline is the capitalist contradiction that can no longer be postponed by credit extension.

When the Workers Become the Owners: Taking the Co-op Movement to the Next Level
Two key figures from the worker-cooperative movement share their perspectives on how co-ops can create lasting social change.

Note to the Candidates: Don’t Forget About the Federal Reserve Board
When it comes to the Fed and its importance, most of the candidates seem to be failing as badly as Donald Trump did on his nuclear triad test.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Half of all Americans Are Living in or Close to Poverty, and More
Half of all Americans have no savings at all, and nearly three out of four people who have saved have less than $1,000 on hand.

How Could Socialism Be Boring? It’s a System Run By and For People
Danny Katch, author of “Socialism ... Seriously,” discusses the inherent flaw of the assertion that capitalism equals democracy.

Economic Update: Economic Lessons From 2015
This episode provides updates on the Fed's interest rate hike, and more.

Why Early Intervention Funds Cannot Be Sacrificed
Before lawmakers recess for the holiday, it is critical to highlight the effects these proposed cuts will have.

For a Resilient Future, Put Community First
The Transition and Intentional Communities movements offer pathways to recovery from an abusive, extractive growth-economy.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The US Is on the Edge of Another Government Shutdown, and More
In today's On the News segment: We're once again on the edge of another government shutdown; 10 European nations have agreed to a “Robin Hood Tax” that will discourage …