
Gaza March Puts Spotlight on Civilian Suffering
United Nations - More than 50,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Gaza on Dec. 31 for a mass march designed to send a message to …

Why Community Banks Need Obama, and He Needs Them
President Obama met with 12 community bankers Tuesday in a bid to spur lending to small businesses. They were looking for action from him, as well.

Ray McGovern | Break the CIA in Two
After the CIA-led fiasco at the Bay of Pigs in April 1961, President John Kennedy was quoted as saying he wanted to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces …

Loan Mod Program Delays Even Worse for Those Struggling Not to Fall Behind
Since last spring, when President Barack Obama announced his administration’s plan to prevent foreclosures, there’s been a crush of homeowners seeking help from mortgage servicers. Confusion and delays have …

Why Have an Estate Tax?
Last year, I had a dream I was called before the Senate to testify on the “reform” of the estate tax. Admittedly, the dream was odd. Although I've been …

Flares in the Political Dark
The winter solstice of 2009 arrived as a grim metaphor for the current politics of health care, war, and a lot more. “In a dark time,” wrote the poet …

Reclaiming Public Values in the Age of Casino Capitalism
When public values are subordinated to the rationality of profits, the institutions that support it become corrupt.

One Court’s Catch-22
Last August, a federal judge threw out a lawsuit challenging the government's right to spy on Americans' international emails and telephone calls without warrants or suspicion of any kind …

Roguishly Rouge: A Review of “Going Rouge: Sarah Palin – American Nightmare” Entirely in Quotes
Going Rouge: Sarah Palin - American Nightmare Edited by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed OR Books New York, 2009 Editors Note: Rather than attempt to translate the verve, variety, …

A Copenhagen Dictionary
Activists: the word sounds better than “militants.” Africa: is unsure of itself. American way of life: outmoded, disgusting or decadent? Banks: are doing very well, thank you. Bike Bloc: …