Rove’s Scheherazade Strategy: The Art of Political Storytelling
And what if the mother of political communication were the Princess Scheherazade, who understood that telling make-believe stories and making people dream allows one to influence them profoundly?
The Melting of America
The Story of a Can't-Do Nation.
Iran Move to Defrock Dissident Ayatollah Opens Rifts in Theocracy
Istanbul, Turkey - The decision to defrock a dissident ayatollah – widely considered to wear the mantle of spiritual leader of the opposition – has pried open conflicts within …
Pat-Downs for Nigerians, Pakistanis…and Cubans
Cuba is hardly a bastion of Islamic fundamentalism. So why the extra TSA security checks? Havana, Cuba - Travelers from this island making the 90-mile trip to the United …
If Health Care Bill Passes, Some Changes Would Start Fast
More money for community health centers. Immediate help for the uninsured. No more lifetime limits on coverage. Under the health care legislation that's moving through Congress, these and …
Bill Moyers Journal | The Stranglehold of Money on Politics
PBS Airtime: Friday, January 8, 2010, at 9 PM EST on PBS (check local listings at
Meltdown, USA: Nuclear Drive Trumps Safety Risks and High Cost
The pro-nuclear Department of Energy is set to offer this month the first of nearly $20 billion in loan guarantees to a nuclear industry that hasn't built a plant …
US Convoy’s Driving Questioned in Wreck That Killed Iraqis
Hillah, Iraq - Dazed and blood-spattered, an Iraqi woman stumbled among the bodies of her relatives Wednesday on a strip of highway south of Baghdad where a U.S. military …
Insider: Palin Failed to Lead on Oil and Gas Safety in Alaska
There have been several recent oil spills and other environmental problems linked to the oil/gas production industry in Alaska. On December 23, a tugboat hit the Bligh Reef, the …
The pro-nuclear Department of Energy is set to offer this month the first of nearly $20 billion in loan guarantees to a nuclear industry that hasn't built a plant …