
Elizabeth Warren: Protecting the Middle Class From Financial Predators
For years, federal banking regulators at the Office of Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) and the Federal Reserve helped the nation's largest banks …

A Goldilocks State of the Union: Not Too Big, Not Too Small, Just Right
“I am feeling so disempowered,” the woman prefaced her question to me at a Passion to Action conference in Grass Valley, California, sponsored by the See Jane Do ... …

UN Secret Detention Report Asks, “Where Are the CIA Ghost Prisoners?“
A major new report on secret detention policies around the world, conducted by four independent UN human rights experts, concludes that, "On a global scale, secret detention in connection …

E.J. Dionne Jr. | State of the Union Math Test
Washington - There was an unexpected poignancy to the moment Wednesday evening. Barack Obama, who once strode across the political landscape as a master of the persuasive arts, found …

Honduran Coup d’Etat a “Win” for the US?
Today, Pepe Lobo will be inaugurated as the new president of Honduras in what many consider to be an institutionalization of the coup d'état, which took place seven months …

Weak State Department Oversight Resulted in Mismanagement of Iraq Security Contract Fund
Due to mismanagement, the State Department has left more than $2.5 billion vulnerable to waste and fraud and is unsure of where $1 billion of that has gone, according …

Obama’s Secret Prisons: Night Raids, Hidden Detention Centers, the “Black Jail” and the Dogs of War in Afghanistan
One quiet, wintry night last year in the eastern Afghan town of Khost, a young government employee named Ismatullah simply vanished. He had last been seen in the town's …

83 Percent Approval for State of the Union Proposals
An online CBS News Poll has found that an overwhelming majority of the 522 Americans surveyed approved of the proposals laid out by President Obama in his first State …

President Put Politics First on Afghanistan
Nothing highlights President Obama’s abject surrender to Gen. David Petraeus on the “way forward” in Afghanistan than two cables U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry sent to Washington on Nov. 6 …

Obama Shifts Priorities to Job Growth, While Calling for an End to Partisan Warfare
President Barack Obama resuscitated a theme that swept him into office a year ago - Hope and Change - in his first State of the Union address Wednesday night, …