
Benjamin Netanyahu the Intransigent
Former Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban once said that the Palestinians “never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.” Well, the same can be said for the Israelis and …

Keith Olbermann: GOP Self-Destruction Imminent
The party's obsolete ideas will undermine it's relevance. TRANSCRIPT: Finally as promised, a Special Comment in the wake of the passage of Health Care Reform and it's a first …

Keith Olbermann: GOP Self-Destruction Imminent (Video)
The party's obsolete ideas will undermine it's relevance. TRANSCRIPT: Finally as promised, a Special Comment in the wake of the passage of Health Care Reform and it's a first …

Right-Wing Attacks, Manufactured Scandal Force ACORN to Shut Down for Good
Following months of relentless attacks by Republicans over a manufactured scandal alleging employees doled out illegal advice to a right-wing filmmaker and his conservative colleague, the poor people's advocacy …

India: Protective Laws Fall Short for Women Charged With Witchcraft
Chhattisgarh, India: Mita Bai, 34, will never forget the morning of May 6, 2005. It was 8 a.m. in the morning when a group of three men and six …

Is Mass Violence Justified If It Brings About a Better World?
In a Nutshell

Though LandAmerica Clients Lost Millions, No Bailout Granted
Washington - As LandAmerica Financial Group lurched toward bankruptcy in late 2008, its leaders looked to the one place they thought could help: Washington. Congress had just passed the …

The Final Health Care Vote and What it Really Means
It's not nearly as momentous as the passage of Medicare in 1965 and won't fundamentally alter how Americans think about social safety nets. But the likely passage of Obama's …

$6 Billion Later, Afghan Cops Aren’t Ready to Serve
Mohammad Moqim watches in despair as his men struggle with their AK-47 automatic rifles, doing their best to hit man-size targets 50 meters away. A few of the police …

On Pop Clarity: Public Intellectuals and the Crisis of Language
It is nearly impossible to become an educated person in a country so distrustful of the independent mind. - James Baldwin