
Slow Progress in Iraq Vote Count Fuels Suspicions
BAGHDAD — Iraq's embattled election commission announced Tuesday that 79 percent of the votes from parliamentary elections have been counted, a breakthrough for a process so slow that it's …

Afghanistan Spy Contract Goes Sour for Pentagon – Part 1
Washington - Mike Furlong, a top Pentagon official, is alleged to have run a covert network of contractors to supply information for drone strikes and assassinations in Afghanistan and …

Guantanamo: Obama’s Crockery (2)
In 2008, the Supreme Court, in a landmark decision, ruled that prisoners at Guantanamo Bay had the right to challenge the basis for their detention. That decision - a …

“Deem and Pass” Is NOT “Without a Vote“
Several traditional media outlets are regurgitating the conservative spin that if the House uses the parliamentary procedure known as a “self-executing rule” or “deem and pass,” it will be …

Pledging Allegiance to God
In 1954, at the height of the cold war, Congress amended the phrase “one Nation indivisible” in the 62 year-old Pledge of Allegiance to read "one Nation, under God, …

In Praise of Shared Outrage
“We have to tolerate the inequality as a way to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all.” These were the words of Lord Brian Griffiths, Goldman Sachs international adviser, …

Bill Moyers Journal | Dr. Jane Goodall (2)
Airtime: Friday, March 19, 2010, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS (check local listings here).

Drug Cartels Don’t Die; They Relocate
Watching as the drug cartels penetrate the highest levels of government in some Central American countries, I can't help but ask myself if the United States' war against drugs …

Why Health Reform Must Protect Private Insurance Coverage of Abortion Care: A Mother Speaks Out (VIDEO)
Today, Planned Parenthood Federation of America released a video featuring Tiffany Campbell, a mother of three from South Dakota, who tells the story of her personal experience with a …

Mary Sojourner | Detained
“What would he say?” Shan asked after a long silence, when he transmitted on the radio?"