Shareholder Protection Act Stands on Shaky Legs
The House Financial Services Committee approves the Shareholder Protection Act, granting a corporation's shareholders new oversight in the company's political expenditure. The act requires shareholders to approve a corporation's …
Senate Democrats Can’t Get Votes to Pass Gulf Oil Spill Bill
Washington - Despite months of public outrage over the massive BP oil spill, frustrated Democratic Senate leaders abandoned their effort Tuesday to pass spill-related legislation before leaving for their …
What the Zapatistas Can Teach Us About Climate Change
With their 1994 battle cry, “Ya basta!” (“Enough already!”) Mexico’s Zapatista uprising became the spearhead of two convergent movements: Mexico’s movement for indigenous rights and the international movement against …
Journalists in Name Only: Just(?) 50,000 Non-Combat(?) Troops in Iraq
I was listening to NPR’s “Morning Edition” broadcast this morning in the car, and I heard a reporter say that President Obama was “redefining” the American role in Iraq, …
Obama Warned Israel May Bomb Iran
MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: War With Iran We write to alert you to the likelihood that Israel will attack Iran as …
Fighting Firestone in Liberia
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Why CCR and ACLU Sued to Represent Muslim Cleric Aulaqi
Anwar Aulaqi is a US citizen and Muslim cleric living somewhere in Yemen. The US has put him on our terrorist list and is trying to assassinate him. The …
Can Jesus Cure Shell Shock?
Many Christians believe faith in Jesus Christ can cure almost anything: alcoholism, cancer, homosexuality, even the Son of Sam. But can it cure post traumatic stress disorder in troops …
Phoenix Rising … and the Struggle Continues
I've written a lot about Arizona since the national controversy over SB 1070 took hold, and in particular during recent weeks as the struggle over the bill's implications and …
Professors as Welfare Queens?
Long-time Liberals join neocons in attack on professors and colleges: Hacker and Dreifus' “Higher Education?”. Fish Stink From the Head