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Jim Hightower | Corporate America Speaking Out
Congressional Republicans have spent the first two years of the Obama administration as the rock-solid party of “no,” "uh-uh," “no way,” "forget about it," “nothing doing,” "we're-against-it-and-we'll-kill-it." This is …
Funding Public Services Is the Best Route to Prosperity
Amherst - The New England states, can no longer afford to spend scarce resources on tax credits and other business giveaways. Instead, the region needs to focus its economic …
Shirley Sherrod | You and I Can
Back in March, I delivered a speech to an NAACP Freedom Fund banquet in my home state of Georgia. I drew on my personal life story to urge poor …
You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught
As citizens of the nation continue through the summer, distracting themselves from difficult truths by howling at the moon and one another, I spent this past weekend in Manhattan …
Mexico’s Other Border: Immigration and Drugs Along the Mexico/Guatemala Frontier
“It was a nice little town,” Maria explains as she sets the food on the table. Sitting down she continues, “a safe place to grow up.” Her eyes are …
Karzai to Ban Private Security Companies in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office on Monday announced that it will close the country's 52 private security companies by year's end, a decision that could create …
Call the Roll on Who Stands Up for Social Security
As you encounter congressional candidates who are out vote-hunting, ask them a basic question: Will you promise to oppose any cuts to Social Security benefits, including increasing the retirement …
Obama and The Middle East
The reported success of the Obama-Netanyahu summit by the mainstream U.S. media overshadowed some recent important developments in the Middle East and the fears that the region is sinking …
Specialized Care for Female Vets May Reduce Access
The military has been trying to find the right way to provide better healthcare to women who serve, even introducing women-only clinics to provide additional support and access. Unfortunately, …