Rabbi Michael Lerner | Americans Need National Repentance and Atonement
Now that the Iraq war is supposedly winding down, America needs a period of reflection, repentance and atonement before rushing into more of the same mistakes we've been making …
Biden and the False Iraq War Narrative
In an interview on the PBS NewsHour last Wednesday, Joe Biden was unwilling to contradict the official narrative of the Iraq war that Gen. David Petraeus and the Bush …
Brazilian Election: What Does South American Giant Want in Post-Lula Era?
In a scene from my first book, “Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the U.S.” (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2006), I discuss how Brazil became an ally of Venezuela during …
Mexico City – Journalism Under Fire (Video)
Obama to Propose $300 Billion in Tax Breaks for Business
Washington - President Barack Obama on Wednesday will propose $300 billion in accelerated or expanded tax breaks for business, a jolt of cash that he says would jump-start hiring …
CNN Covered Interfaith Call to Oppose Koran Burning. Who Didn’t?
Cable news outlets showed limited interest Tuesday afternoon in a press conference where church leaders from a variety of faiths called for a united front against Koran burning and …
Legendary American Folksinger, Backcountry Traveler and Wilderness Advocate James “Walkin
Legendary American folksinger, backcountry traveler, and wilderness advocate James “Walkin’ Jim” Stoltz passed late Friday night, September 3, 2010, at St. Peter’s Hospital in Helena, Montana. Stoltz, age 57, …
Connie Schultz | A Nation United in Ridicule
It's come to this, has it? Gen. David Petraeus is so concerned about the safety of our men and women in battle that he has publicly warned against a …
Explosion Rocks Honeywell Uranium Facility Run by Scab Workers
Union workers have been locked out at the uranium enrichment facility in Metropolis, Illinois for two months now after contract negotiations broke down over Honeywell's demand that workers give …
Labor Day Heroes
Let's pause for a moment this Labor Day to recognize some of our most important, yet most maligned workers. They're teachers and librarians, police officers and firefighters. They're bus …