Will Tea Party Climate Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”?
With the global-wide kerfuffle about an Islamophobic minister, Rev. Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, threatening to burn the Koran on the ninth anniversary of 9/11, little attention last week …
We Need Your Ideas: A Call for Direct Action in the Climate Movement
Dear Friends,
The American Dream, Part 1: The End?
In a two-part series, Wallace Turbeville will discuss what our economy used to look like, how it’s changed, and what that means for trying to revive the American Dream. …
The Ultimate Political No-Brainer
I am beginning to strongly suspect the Democrats in Congress would vastly prefer to lose their majority status come November, rather than continue to carry the apparently onerous burden …
Jon Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity Battles Stephen Colbert’s March to Keep Fear Alive
Boston - Mark your calendars. The Rally to Restore Sanity and the March to Keep Fear Alive will be held on Oct. 30 on the National Mall in Washington. …
One in Three Americans Lacked the Income Needed to “Make Ends Meet” in 2009
Today the Census Bureau released a report on trends in income, including median income, income inequality and income poverty, and health insurance coverage between 2008 and 2009. As expected …
Eugene Robinson | Master of the Palin Affect
Washington - Not to spoil the fun, but Democrats shouldn't take the Republican Party's bitter internal warfare — and the inexperienced, flaky candidates who've emerged from the fray — …
David Sirota | Synthetic Novelty Is Not Reality
A week removed from the ninth anniversary of 9/11, after all the sound and fury has temporarily subsided, we can look back and know that we have just witnessed …
News in Brief: For-Profit Schools Donating to Lawmakers to Oppose New Financial Aid Rules, and More
For-profit colleges have increased their lobbying efforts considerably in the face of proposed new financial regulations, reported ProPublica. The industry says the regulations, which would create a two-part test …
Jon Stewart | Elizabeth Warren’s Greatest Hits (video)
Elizabeth Warren's Greatest Hits from Official Channel on Vimeo.