
Report: 104 Republicans in Congress Want to Privatize Social Security
After their attempt to privatize Social Security in 2005 was met with widespread public outcry, the GOP’s strategy on Social Security has been two-fold. First, Republicans deny they are …

Drill, Brazil, Drill
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil - This week Brazil is poised to start selling off its “gift from God.” After billions of barrels of undersea oil were discovered off Brazil’s …

Panetta and Obama Gut CIA Oversight
President Barack Obama and CIA Director Leon Panetta have managed to accomplish what the Bush administration and three CIA directors failed to do over a five-year period - significantly …

The Petroleum Broadcast System Owes Us an Apology
Last night, my dog Pluto and I watched the Public Broadcast System's (PBS) “Frontline” investigation of BP, “The Spill.” PBS has uncovered a real shocker: BP neglected safety! Well, …

Working Toward a More Tolerant Society
At the center of the recent overheated controversy that became - misleadingly - known as the “Ground Zero Mosque,” was Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. Newt Gingrich compared Rauf and …

Could Legalizing Marijuana in California Help Cure Breast Cancer?
For 70 years, we've been taught that marijuana has no accepted medical use and that its high potential for abuse demands absolute prohibition. Medical research has been nearly impossible …

What’s at Stake in California’s Senatorial Race?
Your Call continues our special California election series by focusing on the race for the U.S. Senate seat between Democrat Barbara Boxer and Republican Carly Fiorina. Listen to Your …

Real Family Values: Nine Progressive Policies to Support our Families
Safeguard Our Homes Every family needs a place to live. When banks use our homes and mortgages to make bets in the global casino, we wind up with predatory …

Fighting Over – and Pushing Down – the Latino Vote in Nevada
By now you’ve likely seen the ad, with the static crawling across the screen and the ominous music punctuated by a solemn bell, and that voice that starts off …

Energy Psychology: Mental Health Experts Say It’s Time to End the Ban
Dr. David Gruder Ph.D., DCEP, a clinical and organizational psychologist and diplomate in comprehensive energy psychology, is a pioneer in applying insight and techniques from time-honored healing traditions for …