
Torture Orders Were Part of US Sectarian War Strategy
Washington - The revelation by Wikileaks of a U.S. military order directing U.S. forces not to investigate cases of torture of detainees by Iraqis has been treated in news …

The New York Times Gets Women Voters Wrong
New York Times Los Angeles bureau chief Adam Nagourney can't seem to figure out why the latest polls in California show that Republicans Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, a …

Michael Moore | Today Is the Day
This letter contains (almost) no criticisms of how the Democrats have brought this day of reckoning upon themselves. That — and where to go from here — will be …

US Elections: The Deficit Hawks Have Already Won
Austerity economics has won in Europe. But there is a mythology traveling around that the U.S., at least, has retained the Keynesian orientation that helped cut short an economy …

Tea Party Politics and the Dixiecrats of 1948
It has been said and rightly so, history has a way of repeating itself. The British philosopher Edmund Burk said, "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat …

A Viewer’s Guide to Watching Tuesday’s Election Returns
Washington - Watch Virginia and West Virginia as the early election returns come in Tuesday night. Then keep an eye on South Carolina. Of states where polls close first, …

Midterm Elections and the Raven
Ravens have been the subject of myths throughout human history, sometimes pictured with wolves, sometimes just exalted by themselves as wise and mystical. Looking like five-pound crows, they are …

Zach Carter | Campaign Cash Why Conservative Attack Ads Won
Today is the first election in American history in which corporations have been allowed to spend their own money to buy political favors. This legalized corruption comes courtesy of …

Ballot Box Blues
By the time you read this, I’ll already have voted — the single most reflexive political act of my life — in the single most dispiriting election I can …

Paul Rogat Loeb | Ten Reasons Why I’m Spending This Election Day On the Phones
I admit it. 2008 was a whole lot more fun. We were riding a wave of change. We had the political momentum. We reached into states and districts we …