This Is Your Brain on War
Andrew Sullivan's defense of President Obama's claimed power to have American citizens assassinated nicely reveals much of the illogic behind, and many of the dangers inherent in, America's Forever …
If the Choice Is a CEO, Obama Should Say No
There has been a great deal of speculation in the media lately about whether President Barack Obama will, or should, decide to appoint a former chief executive officer to …
Regarding the “Whiners“
I have a confession to make. When I read the excerpt of President Obama's interview with Rolling Stone where he took a big, fat slap at the Left in …
Why Building a Bike-Safe City Is Key to a Clean Energy Future
Congress couldn’t get it together to vote even on the smallest of possible energy bills—the renewable energy standard—before the October recess. That doesn’t change the reality that our energy …
On First Day, Kagan Fills Chamber With Queries, Comments (2)
Washington - Justice Elena Kagan threw herself into her new job Monday with an aggressive performance during the Supreme Court's inaugural oral argument of the 2010 term. During the …
On First Day, Kagan Fills Chamber With Queries, Comments
Washington - Justice Elena Kagan threw herself into her new job Monday with an aggressive performance during the Supreme Court's inaugural oral argument of the 2010 term. During the …
Deadline Extended in Bid to Keep Israel-Palestinian Talks Alive
Palestinian leaders say continued settlement expansion in the West Bank could halt peace talks by the end of the week. Is an acceptable compromise in the works?
Bob Woodward’s “Obama’s Wars” and the Importance of Reportage
Bob Woodward's “Obama's Wars” offers a disturbing account of President Barack Obama's lack of leadership and the flawed decision-making practices of his national security team. Although Woodward never explicitly …
Campaign Cash: The Independent Fundraising Gold Rush Since “Citizens United” Ruling
For many powerful GOP operatives and allied fundraisers, the luncheon last April felt like one part reunion and one part strategy summit for the fall. In reality, the get-together …
Connie Schultz | This Is Not Karl Rove’s Texas
It's easy to spot progressive activists these days. Just look at their hands. Redder than radishes from all that hand-wringing over whether Democrats will bother to vote in next …