A Day in the Life of a BerkShare: What’s It Really Like to Deal in Regional Currency?
Want to encourage the local economy? Try printing your own regional money.
Joe Conason | Thugs on the Right
What do the tea party ideologues mean when they speak of liberty and freedom and the Constitution that they supposedly revere? Sometimes they are described as libertarians, but the …
E.J. Dionne, Jr. | A National Election, Like It or Not
Columbus, Ohio - Let us contemplate the joys of being in the political opposition when unemployment in your state tops 10 percent. Kevin DeWine, the affable chairman of the …
Michael Moore | Michigan Blues
I have a rule of thumb that's served me well my whole life: whenever corporate executives begin talking about how they support “free markets” and “competition,” check to see …
SarahPAC Candidate “Should Be in Jail”
The RNC's vote suppression targeted blacks, Hispanics, the poor of all shades and Florida's Jewish voters.
Obama Administration Wants “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Reinstated
The Obama administration filed an emergency request with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday asking for a stay on a federal judge's injunction that stopped the military …
Caught on Video: Ballot Stuffing in Afghanistan
This Rethink Afghanistan video features footage obtained from a network of The Brave New Foundation's contacts in Afghanistan. It clearly shows widespread vote fraud during the recent parliamentary elections. …
The New Dark Financial Ages
It’s been two months since Timothy Geithner welcomed us to what he called economic recovery in a New York Times op-ed. It’s been about that long since I argued …
Spain on Strike
This past Wednesday, the 29th of September (or, as it is now called, “29-S”), Spain’s seventh general strike since the end of the Franco dictatorship was convoked by the …
WTF?: A Letter to Appalled and Puzzled European Friends
Dear Wolfgang and Jacqueline: Your recent email, wondering “what the f—- is going on” these days, questioning whether we Americans have taken "more than your usual amount of stupid …