Beyond the WikiLeaks Files: Dismantling the Iraqi State
The United Nation's Human Rights Council in Geneva reviews the human rights record of the United States on November 5, 2010, on the occasion of the Ninth Session of …
AWOL Soldier Refusing Deployment Because of Severe PTSD
“I am just trying to get help,” insisted Jeff Hanks, active duty US Army infantryman, who has served in Iraq and Afghanistan. "My goal in this situation is to …
Midterms a Mixed Bag for LGBT Equality
On Tuesday, voters ousted numerous LGBT allies in the US House and Senate, such as Pennsylvania Democrat Patrick Murphy, who led the effort in the House of Representatives to …
Simon Johnson | Paul Ryan Is Not a Fiscal Conservative
Writing in the Financial Times today, Paul Ryan – the incoming chair of the House Budget Committee – presents himself as a fiscal conservative, primarily focused on bringing the …
Here’s How the GOP Plans to Kill Health Care Overhaul
Washington - In a symbolic show of opposition, resurgent House Republicans are eyeing an early up-or-down vote to repeal the Obama administration's health care overhaul, though a successful overturn …
News in Brief: Obama Seeks Partial Extension of Bush-Era Tax Cuts, and More
Obama Seeks Partial Extension of Bush-Era Tax Cuts
Eugene Robinson | A Speaker Who Stood Out
Washington - Losing elections is an occupational hazard for politicians, so there's no need to get all weepy about the Democratic officeholders who suddenly find themselves with more time …
Alexander Cockburn | America the Clueless
The American people have spoken, but it's impossible to decode their incoherent message. Drunk with their capture of the House of Representatives, the Republicans thunder that the verdict of …
An Epidemic of Brutality: Oakland Filmmaker Feels Police Wrath
Hours after San Francisco Bay Area radio show host J.R. Valrey screened his documentary film about police brutality at a university in Philadelphia daily newspapers in that city carried …
Dean Baker | Economy Adds 151,000 Jobs in October, but Employment Rate Falls
Nominal wages have risen at a 2.2 percent annual rate over the last quarter.