“Kill Some Crackers”: GOP Group Pays Fox Affiliates to Influence Election With Anti-Obama Propaganda
Several Fox television stations and one ABC affiliate in key battleground states are running a Republican front group’s anti-Obama propaganda as paid programming in the final days leading up …
News in Brief: McDonald’s May Have Intimidated Employees Into Voting GOP, and More
McDonald's May Have Intimidated Employees Into Voting GOP
How China Buys US Debt While Burying Its Own
China may be as heavily in debt as we are. It just has a different way of keeping its books - which makes a high-profile political ad sponsored by …
Wind or Oil? New Mexico Voters Face Sharp Choice on November Second
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico - Mention cap-and-trade systems, renewable electricity standards or low-carbon economies to Hatty Smith, and her snappy blue eyes quickly telegraph that such Washington gibberish …
The Republican War on Reality
Everett Dirksen is one of my heroes. The Senate Republican leader from 1959 to 1969, he pushed strongly for Vietnam escalation and took conservative stands that I'd have strongly …
Dean Baker | Erskine Bowles: Social Security’s Enemy No. 1?
Nearly everyone following the Social Security debate is familiar with former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson, the co-chairman of President Obama's deficit commission. Simpson, the son of a senator, thrust …
Omar Khadr Jury Hammers the Final Nail Into the Coffin of American Justice
On Sunday, a military jury at Guantánamo handed down a 40-year sentence to Omar Khadr, the Canadian citizen who was just 15 years old when he was seized after …
Campaign Cash: Biggest Loser Corporate Edition
Corporate America is on the attack in every state. As Joshua Holland explains for AlterNet, outside groups have spent somewhere between $750,000 and more than $2 million in an …
Let’s Rally to Restore Peace
In their Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert effectively demonstrated how the media hypes fear. They brought out Kareem Abdul Jabbar to show that …
Jon Stewart | A Moment of Sincerity (VIDEO)
Jon Stewart explains why he organized the Rally for Sanity/Fear.