Keith Olbermann | False Promise of “Objectivity” Proves “Truth” Superior to “Fact“
Keith Olbermann's “Special Comment” from Monday. Transcript follows the video.
They Said They Would Push Me “Off a Cliff“
Yesterday, on the TV and radio show “Democracy Now” hosted by Amy Goodman, the former Vice President of CIGNA, one of the nation's largest health insurance companies, revealed that …
What Voters Really Care, and Don’t Care, About
I stopped watching the Nov. 3 postelection press conference after President Obama declared that Americans rejected Democrats at the polls in part because “we were in such a hurry …
“Birthright Citizenship” Will Be Target of House GOP Majority
Washington - As one of its first acts, the new Congress will consider denying citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born in the United States. Those …
The US Social Forum and Money: Building a Transformative National Movement
More than 15,000 social movement organizers assembled in Detroit this June for the US Social Forum. Even more so than its predecessor, three years ago in Atlanta, this forum …
Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist Clay Bennett was the winner of the 2007 Thomas Nast Award from the Overseas Press Club of America, and was a finalist for the 2008 …
Removing Plaque at the Gum Line: For-Profit Universities, Emboldened by the Midterm Elections, Seek to Prevent Any Regulations
Over the past year, I have written extensively about the phenomenon of for-profit universities.
James Kwak | Why Our Tax Code?
In honor of the deficit commission, Ezra Klein is running a number of posts about the commission’s proposals and our tax code, including one about the mortgage interest tax …
E.J. Dionne Jr. | Goodbye to Compassionate Conservatism?
Washington - Will the tea party sell out for a mess of pottage in the form of a ban on earmarks?
BP’s Probation Officer Petitions Federal Judge to Revoke Company’s Probation Over Alaska Oil Spill
Days before BP Exploration Alaska's (BPXA) probation was due to end, a federal probation officer petitioned a US District Court judge to revoke the company's probation over a 46,000 …