
Immigrant Rights Supporters Refocus Struggle on Obama
San Jose, Calif. - More than 300 people packed the Sacred Heart church in San Jose last Tuesday to hear Congressman Luis Gutierrez speak about immigration reform at a …

Weapons of Mass Exploitation
(Photo: JMRosenfeld; Edited: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) About eight years ago, there was frenzied and furious talk about WMDs, or weapons of mass destruction. Both the frenzy …

Officers and Inmates Are Killed in Iraq Jail Revolt
Iraqi policemen assigned to 3rd Federal Police Division, stack on a wall prior to clearing a room at the Ghuzlani Eagle Training Center, March 9, 2011. A string of …

While Bahrain Demolishes Mosques, US Stays Silent
(Photo: daoro) Manama, Bahrain - In the ancient Bahraini village of Aali, where some graves date to 2000 B.C., the Amir Mohammed Braighi mosque had stood for …

Haiti: Just When You Think It Can’t Get Worse
We may soon look back on this period in Haiti with greater appreciation. Amidst the world-historic levels of death and suffering from last January’s earthquake, citizens have at least …

Young Mizrahi Israelis’ Open Letter to Arab Peers
Women at a class at Hiber use a ball of string to illustrate social media in Dheiban, Jordan, on Feb. 12, 2011. Online activists at the company train young …

Beyond Foreclosuregate – It Gets Uglier
A foreclosed home in North Lauderdale, Fla., on Oct. 7, 2010. (Photo: Michael McElroy / The New York Times) The ForeclosureGate scandal poses a threat to Wall …

The Road to Arab Democracy
Egyptian flags are waved as Egyptians protest in Cairo's Tahrir Square, April 1, 2011. (Photo: Andrea Bruce / The New York Times) Jerusalem - During the turmoil …

Lawsuit: Racist Letters Spurred Arpaio to Step Up Immigration Sweeps
Phoenix, Ariz. - Racially charged letters sent to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio by his constituents—submitted Friday as evidence in a three-year-old racial-profiling lawsuit—could shed light on the motivations …

Canada Turns Hard Right, to Israel’s Benefit
On May 02, 2011, Canadian electors voted in a majority government for the former minority government of Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party. The Conservatives won 167 out of …