
Shrinking Wisconsin Cheese
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Blackwater Founder Forms Secret Army for UAE
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - Late one night last November, a plane carrying dozens of Colombian men touched down in this glittering seaside capital. Whisked through customs by …

Hypatia and the Clash of Civilizations in Late Antiquity
When the Greeks spoke of “agora,” they meant a place for political discussion, jury trials and a market. In other words, agora was the center of Greek life. …

Synecdoche Wisconsin
Protesters at Madison, Wisconsin, March 12th, 2011. (Photo: ra_hurd) A Brief History of the Battle for Wisconsin The whole aim of practical politics is to …

Hamas-Fatah to Form Unity Government, Israel Angered, US Shocked (2)
The last few weeks have brought some of the biggest news in some time, and shocked many long-term observers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hamas, Fatah and the new …

Armed Conflicts Claim Unprecedented Number of Civilians
United Nations - Afghanistan, once described as the graveyard of empires, is ranked number one as the country with the most “significant rise” in civilian deaths last year, turning …

The Sense and Morality of Agnosticism
I can say with relative confidence (because what I'm saying, at least it would seem, has to be true) that there is only one necessary religion that has any merit …

Field Notes on Wall Street Reform: the Battle Continues
President Barack Obama signs the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington on July 21, 2010. The law subjects more financial …

Treasure Islands: An Offshore Awakening
(Image: Palgrave Macmillan)

The Renewable Future
Wind turbines outside Tocca da Casauria, Italy, on May 1, 2010. The town produces 30 percent more energy than it uses, which allows it to sell green electricity and …