
Egypt Demonstrates for Democracy; Americans Contemplate PATRIOT Act Extension
Egypt Shames America In spite of our own interests, Americans and the US government are supplying the boots that rest on the necks of citizens of Egypt and dictatorships …

Torturing Democracy
It is difficult to imagine how any democracy can avoid being corrupted when war becomes the foundation of politics, if not culture itself.

Does “Democracy” Still Mean Anything? (And in Case It Does, What Is It?)
It is a possibility – nay, a likelihood - that the link between public agenda and private worries, the very hub of the democratic process, has been broken.

Beyond the Swindle of the Corporate University: Higher Education in the Service of Democracy
Memories of the university as a citadel of democratic learning have been replaced by a university eager to define itself largely in economic terms.

The Killer in Me Is the Killer in You
As much as we'd like to believe otherwise, Jared Loughner's shooting of US District Judge John Roll, Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and 18 of Giffords' constituents on January 8, …

In the Twilight of the Social State: Rethinking Walter Benjamin’s Angel of History
We no longer live in an age in which history's “winged messengers” bear witness to the suffering of millions.

Breaking the Israel-Palestine Deadlock
While intensively engaged in illegal settlement expansion, the government of Israel is also seeking to deal with two problems: a global campaign of what it perceives as “delegitimation” – …

Introducing the “Solutions” Making Government Work” Column on Truthout
Truthout's new “Solutions: Making Government Work” editor, Dina Rasor. Tomorrow, Truthout will debut my new column: “Solutions: Making Government Work.” This weekly column will be a platform …

World in Revolt: The Global Backlash Against Budget Cuts
Americans should take a page from activists throughout the rest of the world if they're seriously interested in resisting the massive budget cuts afflicting this country. Effective social change …

Guitars Not Wars
What happens when music fails to inspire, but instead entertains only?