
Another Side of Libya, Where The War Seems Far Away
To cover the war in liberated eastern Libya is to spend a lot of time speedily headed somewhere: fleeing the front line as soon as it's collapsed, moving toward …

Mickey Mouse Wage Hike
Good news, people: America's wages are up—the average worker is making more today than a year ago! How much more, you ask? Get ready to be excited: 58 cents …

The Vote This Week to End Medicare and Social Security
Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia). (Photo: republicanconference) Last month, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor literally said Social Security "cannot exist if we want America to be what we …

The Blowback World of Chalmers Johnson
Book cover to Chalmers Johnson's “Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power: The Emergence of Revolutionary China, 1937-1945.” (Image: Stanford University Press) In going through my husband’s files, …

Why the Right-Wing Bullies Will Hold The Nation Hostage Again and Again
When I was a small boy I was bullied more than most, mainly because I was a foot shorter than than everyone else. They demanded the cupcake my mother …

Why the United States Is Destroying Its Education System
(Photo: fling93) A nation that destroys its systems of education, degrades its public information, guts its public libraries and turns its airwaves into vehicles for cheap, mindless …

The GOP Plan for Medicare Is Not Nice
The House Republican plan for balancing budgets includes deep cuts in federal health care spending. It is honest but not nice. It's not nice at all. …

The End of Shutdowns
Washington - One image perfectly captured the absurd, irrational and wholly unnecessary confrontation over whether to shut down the federal government on the basis of differences over a small …

And if We Were to Change … Everything
(Photo: random cliché) Month after month, Alternatives Economiques describes and analyzes the economic news. That does not prevent us from reflecting on what could, on what must, …

The Link Between War and Big Finance
Veterans For Peace has joined in endorsing “Sounds of Resistance,” a concert and protest against Wall Street banks that draws the connections between militarism, Wall Street, the wealth divide …