
The Justice Dept. Doesn’t “Legalize” War With Secret Memos Anymore: Now They’re Public
In the good old days of Bybee and Yoo, before we let them get away with it, thereby guaranteeing worse things to come, Justice Department memos “legalizing” the crime …

Lies About the US Civil War 150 Years Later
Tuesday marks 150 years since the start of the US Civil War. Newspapers everywhere are proclaiming it the deadliest war in US history, the costliest US war in terms …

America and the Great Disappointment
(Photo: Jacek Sniecikowski) I was considering having myself dusted with ash and measured for sackcloth last week, so many are the current predictions of impending apocalypse. …

From Prosperity to Austerity: Dialing Down Our Expectations
In the middle of the 1982 recession, with the worst unemployment since the Depression, Ronald Reagan gravely looked into the camera and told us that prosperity was right around …

I Remember America
President Barack Obama returns to the Oval Office. (Photo: Pete Souza / White House) It has not always been this way. Maybe we're all suckers for the …

An Inferior Argument for American Superiority
(Image: CartoonArts International / The New York Times Syndicate) Aaron Carroll, in his health-care-focused blog “The Incidental Economist,” had a very good takedown of a recent Wall …

Government Shutdown Averted, but at What Cost?
Congressional leaders and President Barack Obama reached an eleventh hour budget deal on Friday night, to fund the government for the rest of the 2011 fiscal year and avert …

Not Why, but How: To the Shores of (and Skies Above) Tripoli
A president, being the most powerful man in the world, begins history anew -- so at least Americans pretend to believe.

What It Will Take to Get to Equal Pay
(Photo: mirimcfly) Have you heard the one about the CEO who sits down to eat with two workers, one male and one female? The table holds a …

Lesser-Evil Math Doesn’t Compute: Freedom Plaza Has the Same Name as Tahrir Square
In an electoral system corrupted by money, media, and parties, the US people are offered a choice every four years between two hideously awful candidates for an office that …