Congress Rewrites Goldstone’s Op-Ed
Leading Israeli politicians have claimed that Israel's conduct has been vindicated, distorting Justice Goldstone's op-ed so comprehensively that Amnesty International excoriated the Israeli spin as being "based on a …
From Steel Gray to Green
President Barack Obama has launched his 2012 re-election campaign and is promoting increased investment in clean-energy technologies, and the success of these investments is growing increasingly important. Investments in …
Arabs Give Neo-Cons a Reality Check
While much of what has come to be known as “the Arab Spring” remains a work in progress, there can be no doubt that a new dynamic has been …
Worshiping the Sacred Pig
Washington is a slaughterhouse these days, as politicians from across the political spectrum take their knives to the budget. Going under the blade are dozens of social programs that …
An “Oh Please!” Moment: Is S&P Running Interference for the Right to Help Crush Social Security and Medicare?
Today’sbreathless anxiety-inducing headline was that Standard & Poors, the rating agency, has issued a “negative outlook” warning on US sovereign debt, claiming that the US, in comparison with other …
The New Corporate World Order
The debate over Republicans' insistence on continued tax breaks for the superrich and the corporations they run should come to a screeching halt with the report in Tuesday's Wall …
A Morally Untenable Corporate System
It's good to know that some corporate chieftains do feel the pain of their underlings — those hard-hit workers who keep being forced to do more for less reward. …
Voting and Other Meaningless Gestures In a Corporate-Owned Economy
For the first time in over 40 years, I don't intend to vote for any of the candidates running for national election. That is for the simple reason that …
Gassy Geezer Pushes Fossil Fuel
This weekend, as 10,000 energetic, bright, young people are converging on Washington, DC, for PowerShift 2011, a geezer* is waging an all-out assault on their future. Eighty-two-year-old Texas fossil-fuel-pushing …
Extortion Politics: Why Won’t American Business Stop the GOP From Threatening to Blow Up The Economy?
As the government approaches its borrowing limit of $14.3 trillion, Republicans are seeking political advantage over what conditions should be attached to raising that limit. This is a …